Donald Trump revealed one terrible fact about Kamala Harris that left voters sick

Donald Trump is coming out swinging against Kamala Harris on the campaign trail. He’s making the case that she is going to be a catastrophe for the country. And Donald Trump revealed one terrible face [...]


  1. Cackles is nothing but a stupid person who probably got vp the same way she got her positions in California. On her knees. The democrats are just hoping that the American people won’t look too hard at cackles record. She and walz are the best the democrats can come up with? That should tell you everything you need to know about the democrats. Which is, they don’t give a rats ass about this country. Just remember that when you vote.

  2. I refuse to vote for Kamala Harris anyone who allows illegals to flood into America and destroy our way of life is a traitor 100% keep your eyes open and you will see times in America getting worse

  3. Like I said before the left wing media can only cover shit for awhile before long the stink will get out

  4. Don’t expect the Democratic voters to change their minds there hatred for president trump overrides any moral values if they ever had any . How can anyone vote for the same failed policies that undermine our country and think nothing of it for another four years ? When the hell are you Democratic voters going to educate your selves and see how your own party is the treat to democracy not Trump your party seams to be the party that doesn’t want America to be great again ! If you really knew what was going with your party’s failed policies maybe and just maybe you could get your head out of your ass and vote to make American great again . How can you as an American vote for policies that want tax payer funding health benefits for people that came here illegally ?

  5. I guess when you have Trump derangement syndrome this is one of the symptoms you have ,can’t see right from wrong because your head is too far up your ass ,what else could it be ? Some people will never wise up ,you people who back Kamala really need to demand what her policies are for America ,if you had half a brain you would see there shit . Wise up why don’t you ?

  6. We don’t have a honest media in this country what we have is a left wing propaganda machine for the Democratic Party and the Democratic voters are so brainwashed by them ,it’s really really sick !

  7. Camellia Kamala fits her well because that’s just what she is a flip flopper , she was the VP for the last three and half years what the hell did she do to make anyones life better . What she didn’t do was to do her job as a boarder ciar and stop the flow of illegal immigrants coming in to our country. What it’s all about is for Democratic Party to replace us conservative voters with a hole new group of voters by making them citizens . What’s really sick is that us as citizens of our country will not have a say in our elections because this whole new group of voter base will override us . But the Democratic base just keep on voting Democrat because I am a life long Democrat and that’s all I know to do ,sick ,sick you Democrats are so nieve of what your party is all about . They proved time and time again that all they want is to stay in power ,they say they care about you but they don’t care a rats ass about you by there failed policies .

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